Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Warrior Climb Info

Warrior Climbers - Over the next week I will be sending out info on the climb.

We are on for 19-21 August at Baker. We will meet at 0600 at the WTB parking lot, then move up to Mount Baker NF to the trail head for the Easton Glacier . We will meet Mike at the trail head, then push up to camp. That afternoon we will set up camp, eat, and get some rest. The next day we will wake early and do a snow / ice school at camp. Followed by a dinner, we will turn in early for a midnight first call with a 0100 start time for the climb. The climb itself should take 7-11 hours depending on the teams speed and conditions. Once back from the summit, we will rest, pack up camp, then head down to the car. We'll stop on Highway 20 at Birdsview Brewing for burgers and beer, then head back down to JBLM. We'll be back Sunday evening.

The weather has been awesome, just remember that if we get hit with a storm, we have the option to bump a day to the 22nd.

WTBs will be ridng in the van, and support climbers will carpool. Mike will be heading up ahead of time for Sherpa duties. Call me if you have any questions. 

Mike is going to reserve equipment from MWR. He is getting axes, tents, sleeping bags, hiking poles, boots, crampons, and helmets for you. Please send him your boot size today so he can make sure you are good to go. I would go up and try on the boots prior to climbing in them. 

I am picking up your packs, Nalgene Bottles, Tshirts (From Sterling), and some other stuff from TJ, so I will have it available for pickup starting on Tuesday. If you want to have it earlier for a training hike this weekend, call me to set something up for Saturday morning (early).

HST will provide you with your carabeners (locking and extra) and the harness. We will also be providing the team safety equipment and means for cooking. Please refer to the packing list for any additional info.

We're working out the final details on food, so I will put out food guidance in a couple of days. We will be cooking two group dinners on day 1 and 2, but all other meals and snacks will be your responsibility.

Unfortunately, not everyone who started training with us will be climbing with us next week (family,medical, park service). Due to restrictions by the Forrest Service on how many people we can take in the party, we've had to push two climbers into alternate status, and close the climb completely to some others who were looking to help. As of now, alternates will only go if a primary drops out. 

See the email for rope team names and spots. 

More to follow...

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